Chapter Summary: Book Three - The Piedmont Epic
18 chapters proposed, 6 chapters completed
Dedicated to "tomorrow"
Reviews of history of Christianity.
Relative to cosmogenesis – reviews the formation of atomic nuclei in the cosmic gamut, the formation of molecules, formation of the pre-protoplasmic condition, formation of trivalent atomic carbon, formation of molecular nitrogen, formation of protoplasm, formation of the homozoan plasmodium, formation of human mesons.
Proposed chapters:
Protoplasmic morphosis to the formation of the archicephalon.
Meaning of sexual reproduction.
Detailed discussion of various parts of the human brain:
Rhinenprosencephalon – end organ of rhinenprosencephalon
Thalamanprosencephalon – end organ of thalamanprosencephalon
Upoprosencephalon – end organ of upoprosencephalon
Neohomozoan epiphyseal complex – Historical structure of the neohomozoan epiphyseal complex (original research of author).
Functioning of the neohomozoan epiphyseal complex.
Modern American psychology.
Two possibilities for the human phylum – progressive evolution or retrogressive devolution, illustrated in Two Portraits, a series of original drawings by author.